7 Signs of Trouble Telling You It’s Time To Change Your Gig

time to change your gig

Landing a new well-paying gig is a dream come true. You get to manage and dictate the workflow with excitement. But with time, this passion starts to wane. And eventually, getting up for work becomes a chore. Once you find yourself groaning about going to work, it might be time to change your gig

But before taking this massive step, you need to realize that burnout might be the reason waking up for work sucks. Any essay writer or graphic designer might fall into a creative rut due to burnouts. As a result, differentiating work-related fatigue from alarm bells is vital.

So, let’s identify the most telling signs that you need to start searching for alternative gig jobs. You will also discover how to change your gig without jeopardizing your reputation and source of income.

1. Your professional growth has stalled

Before taking any gig, assess the career prospects available within a company. Where do you see yourself in a year? Will the experience help your career improve? Answering these questions in the initial stage will help you avoid career-stalling gigs. 

But if you are unlucky to land a job that becomes repetitive at a certain point, then it is time to find something new. Of course, the bills won’t pay themselves. But doing the same thing many times over harms your overall career growth in the long and short term.

2. The culture is toxic

Your boss calls at odd hours and demands extra hours without compensation. The project manager’s feedback is always negative and critical. The people you work with are unsupportive. These red flags are aggressively signaling that it is time to abandon the ship.

What do you gain by tolerating the toxic workplace culture? Absolutely nothing! Besides, toxicity is infectious since it trickles down from the top into the entire company. And before you know it, you will end resenting your co-workers.

3. The pay does not cut it

Sometimes, you might land a gig in a low-budget company with amazing workplace culture. And after a few years, your value might exceed what they can afford. But due to your attachment to the company or your coworkers, you might try to stay on. Well, the loss is yours because you are missing out on opportunities to earn more. 

Evaluate the amount of effort you invest in the gig and see if your earnings are commensurate with your experience. If not, don’t be afraid to part ways and look for a higher-paying gig. It’s a sign of growth if you are able to change your gig for one that puts you in a better financial situation.

4. The company has a bad reputation

Always ask about a company’s ethical standing in the industry before working with them. A quick Google search might iron out some details about a company’s workplace culture. 

However, you might not realize the evils within a company until you start working on gigs for them. But once you discover that a company you work for is of ill repute, don’t hesitate to leave.

And why should you quit?

For starters, your association with such a company affects your reputation. Future recruiters will scrutinize your CV thoroughly before offering you a new gig. And most importantly, you need to leave the company before they break any laws and make you an accomplice.

5. Going back to work makes you sad

Going back to work on Monday has been an age-long struggle for everybody. But if you experience that ‘Ugh! Not again!’ feeling every morning, things will never get cheerful again. 

Messages from teammates will aggravate you more, and you might end up losing your cool. After some time, this sadness will spill over into your personal life. 

Eventually, you might alienate your friends with your ‘Debbie downer’ demeanor just because you didn’t quit the gig at the right time.

6. Your social life is non-existent

Some gigs are so demanding that you end up forgetting the concept of weekends. Your work-life balance is tipped so far to one side that the wheels fall off your social life completely.

So, if you find yourself in a 24/7 workaholic mode and it is not fun for you, start writing a career change cover letter. After all, your performance will dip when you burn out eventually. And who is to say that the company will not get rid of you then? 

7. Better opportunities await

It is never too late for a midlife career change. If you start having second thoughts about your current place of employment, look for alternative gigs

No reason to stay is a good enough reason to go.

Greener opportunities await you within the gig industry. You only need to find a company with similar values to yours. And most importantly, your experience from the previous gig will make you a more attractive prospect to employers.

Always pay attention to signs that it is time to find a new gig. Check the company’s reputation before coming on board. Also, review your salary periodically to make sure you are earning your worth. And if the culture is too toxic, don’t hang around. Start looking for more lucrative and stress-free alternatives before your social life crumbles. Don’t be afraid to change your gig when the time is right.

About the Author: James Baxter is professional ghostwriter, editor at write my essay and blogger, who loves sharing his experience and knowledge with readers. He is especially interested in marketing, blogging and IT. James is always happy to visit different places and meet new people there.

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